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Goverment Warning

Though the FIR device was tested by an US EPA-recognized independent lab to show a 19.1 % fuel economy improvement on city-driving and 17.4 % highway, we may not warrant the same effect on your vehicle, as its performance may vary significantly with numerous factors, such as fuel grade, temperature, humidity, use of air conditioner, road condition, driving habit, etc. Users have to try it and determine actual savings on their vehicles.

During FTC's crackdown on all fuel-saving products on the market in 2002, the Company was subpoenaed by local State Attorney General Office and found to wholly comply with FTC guidelines, as our FIR-fuel technology is supported by scientific evidence and genuine test results. It is always the Company's policy to provide customers only true information and not to intentionally mislead customers. Nonetheless, customers' rights are protected by a 90-day money back guaranty.

Always 90-day total satisfaction or money back, guaranteed!


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